This is gist of my entire findings on Blogging and making Money through Blogging.
First and foremost decide whether you want to earn money consistently or you are just a start up junk finally ending up with nothing but spending time unwisely?
Why I say this ? Because although blogging is a matter of plain thing blogging for money is not easy.
Blogging for Money is simple. But not easy.
I hope I am not confusing you. When I say its simple, it means blogging is simple. When I say its not easy it means its not easy to earn money through blogging unless you follow principles of effective blogging and stay forth in the market sincerely.
Why its not easy to earn money through blogging ?
The straight answer is that Blogging is NOT for Money.
Blogging or the word Blogger is from the root word of Web logging. Meaning you are writing what seems of your interest.
So first lesson is that decide what you want to write. Earning money is NOT the primary concern of blogging. But it can be made provided you are consistent and sincere your efforts. There is no reward with out hardwork.
If I say that all the bloggers in the world may scoff at me saying this fella is talking rubbish.
Talk to any blogger who is sincere at his blog and contents they would vouch for me.
If that is so, then is all the hype of earning money tonnes all scrap ?
Yes they are all scrap as far as tonnes of money is concerned.
Money is NOT just dollars. Money is wealth. Wealth is created through working. Working sincerely,studiously and wisely.
Is your blogging activity Work for you or is it a relaxing event for you ?
The answer should be blogging is for relaxation which is aimed at sharing the joy of what you know.
But then where is the question of money coming into the picture ?
Its true that opportunities do exist. Like ads that are displayed on the blog which give you money when some one clicks them (Note : That some one is NOT you for your blog).
I will come to that topic later.
First and fore most decide on the subject of your interest. What is it that you are good at ?
Information Technology ? Singing ? Music ? Art ? Literature ? voracious reading ? Jogging ? Health? Work ? How to become your own boss ?
So decide on your best subject.
The first principle-Think well that you decide on your best subject.
I repeat again the first effective principle of blogging for money
"Think. Think Well. Then Ink your subject"